ketl for Lawyers,
Swiss legal tech
for your law firm

ketl will integrate with Justitia 4.0
Ask for a demo
Generate chronologies automatically using
Artificial Intelligence
Automatic chronologies


Matter management
Case management
Our user-friendly CRM helps you manage your cases. Our Artificial Intelligence further generates automatic links between actors and entities.
One single secured interface
All your Cloud storages can connect to Ket. Manage all your documents and storages, be it Microsoft, Google, Drobox, etc. directly from ketl.
Smart search
Our cutting-edge technology allows you to search in all your documents, without exception, within a split second.
Automatic filing
Compare versions
Our AI helps you file your documents and emails automatically (also from Outlook). One click and your email becomes a shared document in the relevant case.
Information extraction
Restore versions
Our AI automatically extracts deadlines, dates, meetings, names, amounts, currencies, etc.
Learning curve
View version history
The more you add information to ketl, the more accurate it will become in identifying new information.
Matter management
One single secured interface
Smart search
Automatic filing
Information extraction
Learning curve
Case management
Our user-friendly CRM helps you manage your cases. Our Artificial Intelligence further generates automatic links between actors and entities.
All your Cloud storages can connect to Ket. Manage all your documents and storages, be it Microsoft, Google, Drobox, etc. directly from ketl.
Our cutting-edge technology allows you to search in all your documents, without exception, within a split second.
Our AI helps you file your documents and emails automatically (also from Outlook). One click and your email becomes a shared document in the relevant case.
Named entities recognition
Our AI automatically extracts deadlines, dates, meetings, names, amounts, currencies, etc.
Learning curve
The more you add information to ketl, the more accurate it will become in identifying new information.